Leadership…A View from Behind the Curtain

What do you think of when you hear the word “leader” or “leadership”?  For most people, we probably think of people like the president, the CEO of a company, or our supervisor.  Maybe an outspoken celebrity comes to mind or someone who is innovative and breaking strides in a certain field. 

People who aren’t afraid to stand on the stage front and center, those who take charge, and call the shots. Sure, we want our leaders to be people we look up to, people who lead the way, people to get out there and show us how it’s done!  

What about those who prefer a more collaborative approach?  Those working behind the scenes to make things run smoothly.  Can they be leaders?  Absolutely.  They just need to be given the tools and the support to succeed.  Here at Moser Learning we talk a lot about our Driving Forces.  What gets you out of bed in the morning excited about your job?  What duties in your job role speak to those passions you have that make you feel fulfilled?  One of those things can be where we land when it comes to our views on power.  By using the TTI Driving Forces assessment, we can determine what motivates us.  Those that tend to be on the Commanding side of that Power category prefer decision-making roles that often come with status, recognition or the freedom to control decisions. However, for those on the Collaborative side, they often defer to others when it comes to leadership, appreciate working behind the scenes, and rolling up their sleeves to get the job done with little need for status or recognition.  

There are tools we can use to help them when they find themselves in leadership positions. Those that find themselves with a high collaborative driver (and you are my people because that’s where I land) always make me think of the “great and powerful OZ” from The Wizard of Oz movie. He was definitely making moves and getting things done from behind the curtain.  However, when he was “exposed” for who he actually was (let’s face it, many of us who feel that way when asked to step out of our comfort zone) he wasn’t sure what to do. In the end, all he really needed was the right people around him and to give them the tools they needed, which is what we look for in our leaders.

In our Leadership Essentials workshop, emerging leaders learn skills around communication, delegation, time management, decision making, leading effective meetings, and how to handle conflict.  Learning how to have difficult (yet effective!) conversations, communicating with others who have a very different communication style, advice on how to delegate tasks, and how to appropriately handle conflict in the workplace are invaluable skills for new leaders.  We all have the potential to lead if we are given the right tools. If you’ve been contemplating a move from your comfort zone to seek a leadership position or have found yourself there accidentally, let us help you shine! 

Check out our website to learn more.  We can’t wait to help you get started!

Does your company need training? Contact the Moser Learning Team today!

Check out our downloadable Leadership Essentials Info Sheet


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